Make good memories…more walks, more car rides, more of whatever you and your pet love.  



Before you have to say goodbye, make this the best time it can be.

  • Make your pet as comfortable as possible.
  • Control pain.
  • Do more of what your pet loves – trips to the dog park, car rides, romps in the kiddy pool, keeping in mind your pet’s physical limitations and possible preference for quiet activities.
  • If there is something you wish you could do with your pet and your pet is still capable of doing it comfortably, do it.
  • Keep your camera handy and memorialize everyday moments of happiness and silliness. Include family members in at least some of the photos. See TIPS ON TAKING PHOTOS OF YOUR PET for more on this.
  • If your vet OKs it, offer otherwise forbidden foods they will enjoy.
  • Pamper, pamper, pamper.

All the named animals pictured in this blog were someone’s treasured pet. They may have crossed the Rainbow Bridge, but their absence makes them no less beloved.

Is felt like Trinket was suddenly sick with I don't know what.

I may not know what tomorrow will bring, but today I have you.